The Most Effectively Way to Get Rid of Wasps, Yellow Jackets and Hornets Without Any Chemicals!
The Phonery Catcher ® is equipped with double-entry tunnels, one on each side, which increases the chance of attracting more wasps and hornets to the device.

The wasp trap gives off a warm glow to lure intruders, increasing the wasp killer’s attractive power.

Once wasp get into the trap, they will try to escape but eventually drown in the water.
This Wasp Trap is solar-powered wasp trap designed to turns on automatically every night to make a warm glow, increasing the wasp killer’s attractive power.
Then It turns off automatically every morning to charge.
Simply add some sugar water, sweet juice or beer in the tank, flip the switch on, then hang it in the place where wasps are most often.

Easily hangs from any branch or on your patio table. No maintenance, chemicals, batteries, or timers needed. You will easily and quickly get rid of annoying wasps, much more safely and eco-friendly.
The Wasp Killer is easy to clean without any maintenance required and It can be reused and last for many years for catching unlimited insects.
Its great for your garden, lawn, farm, and patio.